Loan Policy

  1. The library is open to the public; in order to enter, one must present their ID card with photos in exchange for usage permission and/or a key.
  2. No food or drinks inside the library, and keep noise to a minimum. Please keep the library clean and tidy, and return the books or documents to its original place after use. If a book from outside the library was taken in, please let the librarian check when entering and exiting the library.
  3. Borrowing allowance
    1. For NTU full-time faculty and IAMS postdocs, the allowance is 100 volumes for a 60 day duration.
    2. For NTU PhD students, the allowance is 80 volumes for a 60 day duration.
    3. For NTU master students and teaching assistants, the allowance is 60 volumes for a 60 day duration.
    4. For NTU undergrad students, employees, IAMS research assistants and teaching assistants, the allowance is 30 volumes for a 60 day duration.
    5. For non-NTU teachers, library permission will be given by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The permission will be given to the head of department or unit, who will be responsible for the late-return reminders and fines. The borrowed documents and books must be returned before the annual permission deadline, regardless of the duration left on the documents.
    6. For non-NTU library collaborators, the allowance is 5 volumes for a 3 week duration that cannot be renewed.
    7. A book nominated as a course textbook and compulsory reading materials, has deadline for borrowing is before the start of the semester. If the book has not been returned, the library has permission to send out 3 days notice for its return.
  4. 5 days prior the deadline, 3 renewals are allowed; if the book has been reserved, renewal is not permitted.
  5. Users that have violated the borrowing duration may not use or borrow further books until the book is returned. The borrowed volumes count individually; every 2 days after the deadline per book, the permission of library use is delayed by 1 day.
  6. For other rules not covered here, please refer to the regulations of NTU library.