圖書室簡介 / Introduction

化學系圖書室成立於民國55年,同時也是國科會自然處化學推動中心圖書室,是國內化學領域最重要的專門圖書館。自民國75年9月起搬遷至「中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所」,總面積約為300坪。民國98年由「化學系與原分所圖書館空間規劃會議」決議四樓由中研院原分所改為其他用途,二樓增加廊道空間為圖書室所有,圖書室空間改為二、三樓共計125坪,空間重新整修規劃流通櫃臺、資訊檢索區、期刊區與讀者閱覽區,並新增休閒閱覽沙發區以提供讀者更舒適與明亮的環境,三樓為裝訂期刊陳列區,均採開架式閱覽。圖書室目前所藏圖書約為兩萬餘冊,期刊約計兩百餘種。 圖書室於民國84年8月起連接臺大校園網路,將圖書流通、館藏查詢等功能,納入臺大圖書館資訊系統中。圖書室提供電子期刊與線上資料庫之查詢,可利用圖書室的電腦檢索SciFinder、Reaxys等化學資料庫。 The Chemistry Library, which is now located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science, Academia Sinica, was established in 1966. The library is financially supported by National Taiwan University and the Chemistry Promotion Center of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). In 2009, the study spaces, the circulation desk and the casual sofa area on the second floor were renovated in order to enhance a user-friendly environment. The Chemistry Library houses more than 20,000 books and 200 journals providing the most comprehensive chemical information service in Taiwan.

Opening Hours

SemesterSummer & winter break
Mon.-Fri.8:30 - 17:308:30 - 17:30

Closed on national holidays and school holidays.
